April 30, 2014

My Novelette “Late Season Rains” eBook now available

Late Season Rains Cover_widget_As most of you regular Bulletin readers know, about a year ago I decided to take a break from politics and pursue fiction writing. I started another blog and have written several short stories and now I have self-published my first novelette “Late Season Rains”. If you’re intersted in checking it out, it’s available as an ebook for just $0.99. Just click the cover art below to go to its Amazon page. If you don’t have an eReader, eBooks can be stored and read through Amazon’s Cloud on any device from a tablet to a laptop to a smartphone. 

After you’re done reading please return to the Amazon page to give it a star rating and let me know what you think. I’ve included an excerpt below to get you started.  Continue reading

April 12, 2014

A peek at a Koch Brothers’ America

Koch David_As some may know David Koch ran as the vice presidential candidate on the Libertarian Party ticket with then presidential candidate,  Edward Clark. They ran against President Jimmy Carter and Republican candidate, Ronald Reagan on a platform which may have appeared somewhat ridiculous then but sounds disturbingly familiar today. Bernie Sanders, senator of Vermont, was kind enough to dig up this election platform on which David Koch ran 34 years ago and, as we’ve seen in recent years, still clings to. Unfortunately, in today’s political environment he appears to be making headway toward, at least, some of his agenda goals.




Here is a sample of the whole wish list; Continue reading

March 11, 2014

Koch Bros’ Leukemia Patient saves $1000 with Obamacare

Debunking the KochsIn the continued battle against Republican and Koch Brothers’ blitz of health care reform misinformation, Julia Boonstra (the woman who has become conservatives’ poster child for victims of Obamacare) is once again the victim of a group of vicious attackers, more popularly known as… factcheckers. Continue reading

February 7, 2014

Watch GOP contradict itself on CBO Report, Job-Lock & Obamacare [Video]

Mitch McConnell Hostage to FactsI just cannot keep myself from stepping once again into the wading pool of American politics any longer, at least not when it comes to this renewed tirade of Obamacare misinformation.

On Wednesday we bore witness to the release of the CBO’s report on the economy which included an appendix on the effect the Affordable Care Act is predicted to have on the economy. Unsurprisingly, ACA opponents fell all over themselves to report that the CBO had vindicated their “Obamacare is a Job Killer” talking points. However, it takes a bit more than copy and pasting Continue reading

April 5, 2013

To Mashed Potato Bulletin Readers

Hello everyone!

As some of you may have noticed, I have not been posting all that regularly of late. I’ve taken on some other projects and was focused on fiction writing over the last month or so. As it turns out I’ve become fairly burned out on politics. It seems like we’re rehashing the same arguments over and over with no resolution…ever. Ugh!

So, I’m taking a break from the topic and Continue reading

April 4, 2013

Did the Bush Administration Emigrate to Canada?

Censored ScienceCanada is witnessing a similar heavy-handed control over government scientists as the United States saw under the George W. Bush administration and its censorship of climate research and other environmental sciences. This conflict between government agenda and the free flow of knowledge science will have (and quite probably is having) a significant influence as to whether the Keystone XL pipeline is approved or not. It is quite probable the US State Department’s recent, appraisal report on the pipeline utilized the findings of potentially skewed science from Canada’s Harper administration. Continue reading

March 15, 2013

42 Things you probably didn’t know about Douglas Adams (video)

laughing-HitchhikersGuideDouglas Adams, the author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series of books into which so many of us have found humorous escape, would have turned 61 this past Monday. In remembrance of his birthday and in honor of the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, here are 42 facts about the man who brought us – for better or worse – Vogon poetry and who taught us about the “immense psychological value” of one’s towel. Continue reading

March 15, 2013

What’s truly wrong with the Ryan Budget

Paul RyanBy , The Washington Post

The tax plan embedded in the House Republican budget would cut taxes by $5.7 trillion over the next decade, with the benefits flowing disproportionately to very wealthy households, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Taxpayers earning more than $1 million a year would benefit the most from the GOP tax plan, the analysis shows, reaping an average $400,000 tax break that would send their after-tax income soaring by nearly 20 percent.

Meanwhile, taxpayers earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year — Continue reading

March 6, 2013

How misunderstood is the US Constitution?

US ConstitutionShots fired at the President.

It was about 2:30 in the afternoon on March 30, 1981 and Reagan was in the back of the presidential limousine rushing from a chaotic scene outside the Washington Hilton hotel. Within half an hour of the shooting doctors discovered President Reagan had indeed been shot and was on his way to surgery. When asked who was running the government a short time later at a White House press conference, Alexander Haig, a four star general and then Secretary of State, made the famously scoffed statement, “I am in control here.”

      Was the longtime military man initiating a coup? Continue reading

March 5, 2013

Want to win any climate change argument?

A flow chart for debating with denialists.

By and

Climate Debate FlowChart Continue reading