Posts tagged ‘Voters’

February 19, 2013

GOP NonProfit’s Secret Corporate Funders Revealed

DisclosureMuch was made over the controversial Citizen United Supreme Court decision and subsequent unlimited political campaign funding observed during the 2010 and 2012 elections breaking all previoius spending levels. In tadem with this, questionable tax-exempt nonprofits began freely dumping large sums into political campaigns, most prominently on Republican campaigns. The struggle to find who these large donors were found their way into the courts where judgements fluctuated erradically depending on the who heard each case. At one point Karl Rove’s nonprofit attached to his SuperPAC, Crossroads was ordered to make its funding sources public but he refused waiting for a favorable appeal. Unfortunately, his appeal was successful and the voting public was blocked from finding out who was contributing such large sums of money.  

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February 15, 2013

Economists Shoot-down Boehner’s Minimum Wage Claim

raise minimum wageBoth times in fairly recent years federal minimum wage was increased with the cooperation of Republican leadership. In 1996, the Republican-controlled House under Newt Gingrich, the minimum wage was raised from $4.25 to $5.15 over a 2 year period. The next wage increase took place a decade later, in 2006-2007, when Democrats won back control of the House. They found support for the increase in then President, George W. Bush. This instance raised the minimum rate to its current level of $7.25 per hour.

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January 21, 2013

What are Republicans’ Priorities Now?

In 2010, the Republicans’ leader in the U.S. Senate, Mitch McConnell, stated publicly that the party’s number one priority would be to deny President Obama a second term. This decision was made during a quiet, behind closed doors meeting of GOP luminaries both past and present on inaugural eve 2009. They determined it was better to pursue a strategy of obstructionism meant to halt any Democratic legislation rather than taking action to the address the economic calamity the country, and the world, was facing at that time.

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January 18, 2013

Daily Scoop: State GOP seek electoral changes to win elections

2012 Electoral MapWhile I do agree that there should be more proportional allocation of the electoral college votes but the reasons behind the GOP’s motivations to make the changes now are highly disingenuous. Just like their attempts to suppress Democratic voters this last election and the gerrymandering of many districts after the 2010 midterms this electoral change is only about finding a way to skew the system to win.

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December 22, 2012

Daily Scoop: When you don’t vote…

How Dark Money Helped Republicans Hold the House and Hurt Voters

Gerrymander_In the November election, a million more Americans voted for Democrats seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives than Republicans. But that popular vote advantage did not result in control of the chamber. Instead, despite getting fewer votes, Republicans have maintained a commanding control of the House. Such a disparity has happened only three times in the last century.

Analysts and others have identified redistricting as a key to the disparity. Republicans had a years-long strategy of winning state houses in order to control each state’s once-a-decade redistricting process.

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November 17, 2012

And some still wonder why he was re-elected…

For some Obama’s re-election represented the coming of the rapture but for the rest of us it was a time to cheer as we realized, with a unified voice the majority of Americans chose the intelligent, human with a great sense of humor over the robot.

How can anyone still wonder why he was re-elected?

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November 5, 2012

The Experts have Voted & the Winner is…..

Since they started way back in 1940 this group of experts have correctly predicted the winner each presidential election for the past 68 years except for two. Will their record hold true for this, their 18th election?

Who are these experts, you may ask? They are an intelligent group of individuals, 250,000 strong from all 50 states, 90 percent of whom say they would like to president some day. These experts are people you and I may know. They are our neighbors. They are this country’s future leaders. This group of experts are this nation’s students who have thoughtfully considered their choices before voting in this the 18th Scholastic Student Vote.

And who did they pick this year to win the 2012 Presidential Election between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney?

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November 5, 2012

Daily Scoop: Congressional Tax Report suppressed by GOP

From the New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth, a central tenet of conservative economic theory, after Senate Republicans raised concerns about the paper’s findings and wording.

The decision, made in late September against the advice of the agency’s economic team leadership, drew almost no notice at the time. Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, cited the study a week and a half after it was withdrawn in a speech on tax policy at the National Press Club.

But it could actually draw new attention to the report, which questions the premise that lowering the top marginal tax rate stimulates economic growth and job creation.

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October 29, 2012

Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney [watch]




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October 25, 2012

Daily Scoop: Romney’s “Free Government Money 101” [video]

In what could become Mitt Romney’s J.D. Hayworth moment this ABC News video utterly contradicts the Republican presidential candidates calls to severely cut government spending. As with J.D. Hayworth – John McCain’s Tea Party challenger in 2010 who was caught in “Free Government Money” informercial which contributed to his election loss – this video may be the metaphorical topper to the ex-governor’s campaign of flip-flopping. Depending on the coverage it receives, Mitt may have essentially shot himself in the foot.

Feel free to reblog, retweet and spread this video around the web to any of those who may still be on the fence during this important election.

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