Archive for March 18th, 2012

March 18, 2012

MP Bulletin Extra: Why Legos are the most ingenious toy ever

via Slate:
Scientists at Cambridge University prove that in this video, using Lego robots to create artificial bones. Making the bone structures is time-consuming and extremely repetitive, making it a great job for robots. It’s a task that could be done by expensive, specialized bots, but as we see here, robotics doesn’t always have to be so complicated. “The importance in science is the creativity in going forward,” Cambridge lecturer Michelle Oyen says in the video. “It’s not exactly what tools you use to get there.”

March 18, 2012

The Daily Scoop: Santorum’s Dubious Obamacare Cost Claim

If you’re looking for a possible roadmap for Rick Santorum‘s campaign in the week ahead, he provided one in his stump speech in Osage Beach, Mo., on Friday.

“You know what people are going to be talking about this week and next week?” Santorum asked the crowd of a few hundred on Friday. “Obamacare. Why? Well, the Congressional Budget Office this week just came out with their new numbers. And I know you’re gonna be shocked to hear this, but it’s twice as expensive as what President Obama said.” ….using the CBO’s numbers. “Believe it or not, remarkable,” he said. “It’s almost 2 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.”

Except you might not want to believe it, because Santorum’s twice-as-expensive claim is “absolutely untrue,”according to, a project for the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

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